Mulch and Spring Plant Fundraiser
If you have questions or difficulties with this order page, please contact
us at Ship 946 Mulch or at phone: (224)372-0946.Order Changes
If you find that you need to change your order for any reason including delivery/install weekend, quantity,
color, or even installation, please let us know through email at
Ship 946 Mulch or at phone: (224)372-0946.
After you place your order online, you will get a confirmation email. If you have
not already paid one of our Scouts for your order, please make a copy of the email
and send the copy along with your payment to the address below.
Please make checks payable to "Sea Scout Ship 946".
Ship 946 Mulch
607 West Belvidere Road
Grayslake, IL 60030
Page last updated: Thursday, May 19, 2022.